
Teaching Meditation in Armenia

Posted by Malte Steinhoff, April 18 2018

Last week I visited Armenia for the first time. Actually, it was my first time in the whole Caucasus region and I was really excited to experience just another part of the world. I spent a week there with the Training Program "Everyone Matters" that was co-organized between APY (Armenian Progressive Youth) and TeachSurfing.

I ended up holding my workshop "Meditation made easy" twice during that time - once as part of the training and once hosted by Impact Hub Yerevan. As it was the first time doing a workshop outside of my home Berlin you can imagine I was pretty excited about it. Will Armenians be interested in meditation? Is my secular approach going to be accepted in a rather religious country? 

The answers to these questions were overwhelmingly yes and yes. I ended up testing the patience of the eventmanager as my workshop took almost an hour longer as planned. Everyone was very interested and curious about the topic, had a lot of questions and comments and it became another enriching and inspiring experience that showed my once again how similar we all are. Our lives may look different on the surface, but all around the world people have the same dreams for their inner development and face the same struggles on their way there.

I'm very grateful for the opportunity to meet people around the world in this free educational format to talk about a topic that is so important to me. I enjoyed all the meaningful encounters I had there and the workshop served as a huge motivation to continue teaching as I travel the world. 

Thanks TeachSurfing and thanks Impact Hub Yerevan!!

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