
Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER's) are free teaching materials in a format like workshops or seminars everyone can use to transfer knowledge. These materials are licensed as a creative common good issued by the copyright owner. It allows you to use the work in any manner consistent with the following license .

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Access the OER's

  • Title
  • Introduction to the Cinema & Societyby Youssouf Bah
    The aim of the workshop is to talk about the role of cinema in society and its impact on how it can transform the way we see the world.
  • Representational sensory systems in NLP for studentsby Baraa Kouli
    The workshop starts with team-building games following a short presentation about REPRESENTATİONAL SYSTEM PREFERENCES İN NLP and why it is important for learners to know about their sensory system preferences. The workshop will continue with a short survey which will help participants to know about their preferred representational system and how this is reflected in their life track and characteristics. The workshop ends with mental games between the group teams and an online game on Kahoot, as well as a feedback round.
  • What does it mean to be a man with a migration background in Germany? Reflection and Empowermentby Qassem Alhomayyer
    Men with migration backgrounds, face specific problems for example stereotypes, different forms of pressure and negative representation in the media. How these problems affect them and how to deal with them is important to discuss. Therefore this workshop is going to deal with masculinity and discuss and reflect on the various roles that are given to men in different constellations in Society. Furthermore, you will talk about the discrimination and racism that refugees and migrants face.
  • Arabic Language Workshopby Khaled Khudr
    The aim of this workshop is to give a first experience of the Arabic language to participants enabled by interactive practices with native speakers. After the workshop, participants will learn three letters so they can write their first word, how to write their names, five basic sentences and to sing the greetings song.
  • Java Script for Beginnersby Marta Farre and Alejandro G. Martinez
    Marta & Alejandro, both web developers at Zalando, delivered programming workshops for a diverse community of 30 participants including refugees, migrants and locals. Together with them, we created a workshop format and developed teaching material for 4 sessions which we want to share with you.

Publish Your OER's with us

You have given a workshop and want to share your teaching materials? Follow these simple steps and you'll be able to publish them as Open Educational Resources here on TeachSurfing for everyone to benefit from.


Open Education Resources are published under the Creative Common license CC BY NC 4.0 Licence. When you provide your teaching material to TeachSurfing you understand and agree to the terms of the licence.


If you're unsure how to format your teaching materials for them to be published through TeachSurfing you can Download our Templates and use them for formatting before submitting your work.


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Become a volunteer educator in the TeachSurfing Academy

The TeachSurfing Academy offers you a research based train the trainer toolset and online courses. By taking our online Volunteer Educator course you will learn how to structure and create your workshop. Volunteer Educator trainers will review your work along the way and ensure that you build quality educational resources which can be used beyond your own workshops.

Powered by EU Erasmus+ projects E-VELP and RAISE.

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