We, the TeachSurfing team would like to invite you to the 3rd Knowledge Sharing Festival packed with empowering workshops, creativity, innovation, food, drinks, music and a community of international people, passionate about knowledge-sharing.
Social Impact Lab, Pastorenstraße 16-18, 20459 Hamburg
Klick auf das Bild um dich anzumelden! Strategisches Storytelling bietet Dir hinsichtlich des Fundraising und Campaigning große Chancen: Über starke und authentische Narrative können Menschen sehr viel besser erreicht und zum Handeln angeregt werden als mit reiner Berichterstattung: Akteure werden emotional und über Ziele und Werte miteinander verbunden, um gemeinsam etwas zum Besseren zu bewegen. Somit können Mitstreiter für gesellschaftliche Anliegen aktiviert und zukünftige Maßnahmen politischer Entscheider_innen in positiver Weise beeinflussen werden, z.B. indem auf relevante soziale Themen und Herausforderungen aufmerksam gemacht und mehr Unterstützung durch Teilhabe und Networking für eure Projekte gewonnen wird. Um Campaigning und Fundraising zeitgemäßer zu gestalten, erhaltet ihr Input zum „Public Narrativ“. Anhand von Beispielen und einer praktischen Übung wird vermittelt, wie ihr diese Strategie nutzen könnt, um andere für euer Anliegen zu begeistern und zu aktivieren. Ø Inspiriere mit bewegenden Geschichten: Warum ist Dir Nachhaltigkeits-Engagement wichtig? Ø Kommuniziere als Teil einer Wertegemeinschaft: Was ist unsere gemeinsame Herausforderung? Ø Welche Veränderung möchtest Du in der Welt bewirken? Formuliere einen Call to Action
Click on the picture to register! During this great workshop, developed within the e-VELP course for Volunteer Educators, we get the chance to facilitate discussions and activities that encourage participants to reflect on their personal values and beliefs and how they can align them with their goals and spirations. To ensure that participants learn to manage change, improve their emotional well-being, and develop a resilient mindset that drives personal growth and achievement.
In this workshop we will talk about the experiences of different institutions and organizations in Ukraine, how they managed to build and support their community during the Russian aggression for more than 1.5 years. How to work with people who stayed at home in not safe areas (like Mykolaiv), with people who are now refugees and how to connect them with their native city and with people who came to the city from areas totally destroyed by Russian army.
Click on the picture to register! As humans we tend to jump straight into solution mode without properly exploring and understanding the problem. And no matter how beautiful our solution is it will be hard to sell it if it solves the wrong problem. A philosophy or method that provides guidelines in problem exploration and problem solving is Design Thinking. During this intense hour we will go through the main idea, some tips & tricks and try out a few of the tools. It will be a mix of theory and hands-on try our best.
Click on the picture to register! Nicklas & Ankit started InvestPats in 2023 to help international employees, living in Germany, create financial wealth to achieve their dreams. Ankit & Nicklas are both international employees today and are working in Germany. Ankit has actively invested since 2010 in stocks and mutual funds, and own two houses. Nicklas has been working as a financial controller, have a Master in Finance and have been investing since 2008. This workshop will help you start planning how you can create the financial wealth to achieve your dreams. The workshop will be practical, interactive and require no previous knowledge around finance.
Click on the picture to register! Join us for a revitalizing workshop designed to infuse your body and mind with joy and ease. In this session, we will guide you through a series of simple movements set to uplifting music, followed by an 8-minute breathwork practice and a short meditation. Workshop Outline: 1. Joyful Movement: Begin the workshop with 5 minutes of joyful movement set to energizing music. 2. Grounding and Breathwork Instruction: Take a moment to ground yourself after the movement session. Receive a brief explanation of the breathwork practice that follows. 3. Breathwork Session: Participate in an 8-minute breathwork practice designed to bring focus, clarity, and vitality to your body and mind. 4. Guided meditation: End the workshop with a soothing guided meditation that will leave you feeling centered, relaxed, and ready to face the event ahead. This workshop is open to all levels and no previous experience is necessary.
When we think about teaching, learning and knowledge sharing, we’re usually referring to bits of factual knowledge and specific how-to skills we want to pass on to our students. What we tend to overlook is the fact that whenever we share our knowledge with others, we also share aspects of our mindset. And that every learning experience shapes a student’s mindset – sometimes in a profound way. So whenever you decide to share your knowledge with others and think about the kind of learning experience you want your students to have – think about how the learning experience will impact their mindset: their curiosity, their empathy, their entrepreneurial spirit and their sense of self-determination and self-efficacy. Think about how your mindset has enabled you to learn and experience the things you’re now able to share and how you might be able to help your students develop a similar mindset. In my talk, I want to explore the often overlooked dimension of education – the profound ability to influence a learner's mindset, urging educators to be more intentional about the lasting imprints they leave on a learner's mindset. Because every teaching moment is an opportunity not only to pass on knowledge but to shape how our students perceive themselves and the world around them.
Like last year, we will gather voices from different directions: non-formal and formal education, initiatives for young migrants and refugees, and the target group itself to talk about our mission and vision, their weaknesses and success stories. You can expect a high quality and inspiring discussion moderated by Matthew Buccelli.
Jamila Tressel is a young entrepreneur, author, speaker, trainer and coach, empowering people to unfold their potential and make a change. She is campaigning for a drastic change in education and a sustainable transformation for our society. Speaking at national and international conferences and leading trainings for students, teachers and managers, Jamila Tressel is supporting and collaboration with the education initiative “Schule im Aufbruch” (Schools in Transformation). We are very happy to have her as a keynote speaker and can't wait for her speech!
Manuel Dolderer is a two-time university founder as well as an international keynote speaker, author and consultant on all aspects of the future of education and the university of the future. Read more...
Jamila Tressel is a young entrepreneur, author, speaker, trainer and coach, empowering people to unfold their potential and make a change. She is campaigning for a drastic change in education and a sustainable transformation for our society. Read more...
CEO and Co-Founder of TeachSurfing. Miganoush is originally from Armenia. She studied software engineering and is living and working in Germany. When visiting back home, she wanted to share her professional knowledge to inspire youth in her home countries. Read more...
I have started my career in acting then moved to do my PhD in Neuroscience, researching Neuroplasticity. I have lived , taught, researched and worked in Palestine/Israel, Germany, USA, Egypt and Norway. Read more...
I've been a Project Coordinator at a non-profit since 2017. With a Bachelor's in Linguistics and training from Oxford University on International Labour Migration, I'm passionate about humanitarian work. After COVID-19 hit Armenia, I organized support for isolated elderly individuals, sparking my dedication to helping others. Read more...
Team Lead at the Horizon Resource Network e.V. empowering migrants through capacity building, networking and social integration. Providing leadership in project ideation, grant writing, project planning and implementation. Read more...
Tabea Sternberg ist Kommunikationsstrategin, Filmproduzentin und Campaignerin. Sie unterstützt Nonprofit-Organisationen im Bereich Fundraising, PR und Agenda-Setting durch Entwicklung von Narrativen und filmische Kampagnen, read more...
Zainab Ilo is a dynamic and innovative individual with a passion for personal and professional growth. Hailing from the vibrant Western part of Nigeria and born in Lagos, she is a graduate currently pursuing her master's degree in International Management at Wismar University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Read more...
A real tech nerd with a Ph.D. in Electronic System Design and many many years of experience from various tech roles in different industries. For example, software architect in the automotive industry, product owner for a number of linux platforms in telecom and CTO at ridecake, to name a few. Read more...
Nicklas and his partner Ankit started InvestPats in 2023 to help international employees, living in Germany, create financial wealth to achieve their dreams. Both are international employees today and are working in Germany. Read more...
Ich bin Life Coach und Hypnosetherapeut für tiefgreifende Transformation, Versöhnung und Selbstvertrauen und auch Tanzmentorin für innere und äußere Präsenz. Read more...
I am from Ukraine, the city in the south - Mykolaiv. I am a co-founder and coordinator of educational programs in MyART platform (https://www.facebook.com/myartweek). It is a cultural platform where we organize art and educational events for citizens. Read more...
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