

Lift Them UP Foundation (LITU) is a non-profit organization started on 2021 formally registered on May 2021 with registration No 00NGO/R/1882. Lift Them Up foundation works in helping highly vulnerable children and orphans to acquire quality education, social and physical requirements. We also empower youth and women through life skills like sewing skills and trainings on entrepreneurship as well as vegetable cultivation in order to increase their income. Primary goals of the organization are as follows; 1) Education project We have a day care and nursery center for vulnerable and orphans children aged 2-5 years aims on provision of early childhood education in order to prepare them for formal primary education. After graduating on our day care and nursery center the children are sponsored to go to English Medium primary schools to proceed with formal primary school. This project aims at helping children until they become fulfilled and independent youth. The future plan for this program is to build our Primary school in order to help children to acquire education from kindergarten to primary within our facility. Volunteer responsibilities on education project (children of 2-5 years) • To teach English, math and other subjects in collaboration with school teacher • To organize games and arts for children. • Share your love and care with children. • Share your culture and empower children. • Provide support for extracurricular activities. • Working hand on hand with foundation CEO to find sponsors for children education in order to enable them to get quality education when they reach primary education • Evaluating children performance and provide ways to upgrade their academic performance • Creating fundraising page for children needs. 2) Environment project The main purpose for this project is to combat climate change, As a volunteer you will work with other environmental stakeholders to plant trees on open spaces, schools, hospitals. You will work on foundation organic garden and creating awareness about environment conservation. TARGETED GROUPS. All male and female volunteers aged 18 years and above are welcome to volunteer in our foundation. Volunteers under 1 years are welcoming buhttp://www.liftthemupfoundation.org/t accompanied by a parent/guardian. You can also follow us via http://www.liftthemupfoundation.org/


  • Meals
  • Sightseeing
  • Networking
  • Knowledge
  • Accommodation

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3750 TeachSurfers
283 Host organizations
82 Success stories
141 Countries