
Put the spotlight on your workshop


Imagine you’ve been preparing for your workshop and everything seems all set – except one: who will benefit from all that knowledge you’re about to share? Promoting your workshop online can be fun and exciting if you immerse yourself in the experience and enjoy the process. Surely people can’t wait to attend – so move fast, act now and get your workshop out there in the spotlight! If you’re still feeling unsure, here’s a short guide on how to do so.

Promote like a pro

  1. Start your promotions plan with achievable objectives. Spontaneously sharing content online could work except you take the fun out of achieving goals.

    • Begin with something simple: get 5 people to sign-up to attend, 3 people to share your post and 2 enquiries within a particular time frame.

  2. Who do you want to speak to? Identifying your target audience at the beginning helps align your message. Naturally, these are those who share the same interest as your topic, but also consider including people who can benefit the most by addressing their challenges.

    • It could be that you are doing an introduction to the German language – reach out to foreign newcomers having difficulty understanding the language with high motivation to learn it.

  3. There are different approaches to getting your message across and it is important to identify the most effective way to communicate that supports your objectives. If getting people to sign-up to your workshop is the priority–for example on recycling, you can easily attract the interest of those who are already engaged in it. But if your numbers aren’t sufficient yet you can win the attention of a much larger audience by modifying your message.

    • In your local community, perhaps position it as a shared mission that brings the community together. This way you can inspire action in those who are not yet actively recycling but who value solidarity.

  4. Not all social media channels are alike so reflecting on the best platform to post in is essential to your promotions’ success. Each platform has its own purpose and audience but don’t be boxed by these limits rather exercise flexibility.

    Amongst the most popular, Facebook tends to draw an older crowd with more general online posts. LinkedIn is mostly for work-related updates and networking and is used by the working population. Instagram is preferred by younger groups as it supports visual exchange. Twitter is used for sharing news, information and opinions in 280 characters and caters to a diverse market. YouTube is solely for videos visited by all ages.

    • Try to experiment on where to post by adjusting your message. For instance, if your workshop is on meditation, posting on LinkedIn could work if you position meditation as a way to support concentration.

  5. Having a content strategy is crucial to meet your objectives. People are more likely to engage with content that is visual: gifs, photos and videos since it catches and keeps attention. Exercise proper judgement too – if your workshop is about art history you want your audience to visualise as opposed to philosophy where people are more inclined to engage with text.

    • Specifically if you want to entice people to join your art history workshop, you can post a timeline of artworks that embody the art movement of a particular period and show progression of style across time.

    • Similarly if you are going to have a workshop on the principles of Eastern philosophy to a mostly western audience it would be a good idea to develop interest on the foundational differences between the two. You could take quotations from famous philosophers focusing on what sets these schools of thought apart and explain the main differences.

  6. Once you’ve started your campaign, we highly recommend that you track the results of the posts against your objectives. You can simply do this by finding the insights tab in the platform you are using and monitor reach and engagement. Here, you can see which posts are working, optimise based on the data and get more of the results you want.

Kickstart your ideas

If you want to get serious about online promotions, you can start by reviewing an in-depth guide to social media platforms. You can also step-up your promotions strategy by using several tactics: audience segmentation, content curation, strategic timing and outreach

Now it’s your turn! Get ready to begin sharing your workshop online. We can also support you by helping spread the word about your workshop to the TeachSurfing community. Simply let us know the details by filling this form. We can’t wait to attend! 


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