
We kick started e-VELP 2 training programs!


Eileen Quinn (CESIE) writes:

A free online training to help young migrants and refugees become educators in their communities and boost their professional and networking skills? With e-VELP it is now a reality!

Last week we officially launched 2 Training programmes after 1 year of preparation and development: the first one is to become a Volunteer Educator (VE) and host workshops locally, and the second is for future Volunteer Educators Trainers, who will support VEs in their learning and professional path.

The first round of participants has now been selected and they are all ready to kick start with their respective trainings. It’s a very multicultural group with young people from all over the Globe from The Gambia to Afghanistan and currently based in Italy, Germany, Cyprus, and Romania.

“I am excited to e-meet so many people from different countries, and learn about new cultures and perspectives. Especially at a time of prejudice, we need to know each other and get out of our comfort zones”, says one participant for the VE course based in Palermo.

Another candidate for the VE-Trainer course also in Germany states “My motivation to join the program as VE-Trainer is to share the knowledge I accumulated with the young people”.

The 2 trainings will run in parallel and will be entirely online, with a combination of individual course work to study, practical assignments and quizzes, and online group sessions through Forums where VEs and VE-Trainers can exchange ideas and questions.

Sounds exciting? We haven’t finished. VEs who successfully pass at least 70% of their course’ quizzes will get an official accreditation from the University of Vilnius! We will also put you in touch with Host Organisations locally where you can deliver your workshops to the community, and VE-Trainers will help you define the topic of your workshop, as well as how to promote yourself as an educator.

Stay tuned, because from January 2022 our online Trainings will be released to the public and freely accessible through the project’s platform that we will launch then.

TeachSurfing, in cooperation with CESIE, GEYC, Vilnius University and CSI, has been working on e-VELP since April 2020. To read more about the project, check: https://evelp.teachsurfing.org  

Do you have a question about the VE or VE-Trainer courses, or you want to take part in January 2022? Get in touch with the e-VELP team at: evelp@teachsurfing.org  


“Everyone has something to teach if you are humble enough to learn” – Mark Driscoll.

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